There are various applications for diamond bands and diamond wires, our band saws and wire saws cut different materials.
Inform yourself about our various diamond band saw areas of application
High performance and cutting results for difficult substrates. Our saws are utilized in all areas of industry. In the laboratory extremely thin geometrics for further examination can be realized.

Optical glass cutting with diamond band saws
Optical glass cutting with diamond band saws from [...]

Graphite sawing with diamond band saws
Graphite sawing with diamond band saws [...]

GRP materials sawing with diamond band saws
GRP materials sawing with diamond band saws [...]

Sawing industrial ceramics with diamond band saws
Sawing industrial ceramics with diamond band saws [...]

Technical ceramic machining with diamond band saws
Technical ceramic machining with diamond band saws [...]

Pathology Saw with diamond band saw
Pathology Saw with diamond band saw [...]